

The basic subjects Roman Law, History of Modern Law, Constitutional History and State Theory, as well as Philosophy of Law, Legal Theory, Sociology of Law form an obligatory part of the Bachelor's programme at the Law Faculty of the University of Bern. Their aim is to teach students the historical, philosophical and theoretical foundations of law.

Of the six elective blocks, students must complete two subjects in the Bachelor's programme. One block comprises 4 SWS lectures and 1 SWS exercises and is completed individually at the end of the course with a two-hour written examination. The average of the two grades gives the grade that counts for the Bachelor's degree. Major students in Law attend one lecture in the autumn semester (I) and one in the spring semester (II).  Attendance of two basic subject lectures in the same semester is not intended and is organizationally excluded by the standard examination date. It is recommended to attend the basic subjects in the 3rd and 4th semesters.


In the Master's programme, the basic subjects can be deepened through individual lectures and seminars. These include the lectures Philosophy, Theory and Sociology of Law for Master Students, History of Dogmas, and Ethics for Lawyers. In addition, the lecture Religious Law in Freiburg can be attended as part of the BeNeFri programme.